Other Successful Berklee Alumni

Index by Professional Field

(& Top Post-Berklee Degree)

If exploring a career, I strongly recommend that you glance at all relevant interviews, as people in the same field can have very different jobs.



Data & Research:

Education & Training:

Engineering (non-software):

Fashion and Design

Finance / Accounting / Insurance



Marketing & Sales:

Media  (TV/Radio/Film/Photography/Video)

Medicine & Therapy:


Real Estate


M = Masters Degree (but not an MBA). B = Bachelors Degree AA = Associates Degree. *** This person’s degree is irrelevant to their (non-music) career and should not be considered a prerequisite for their field.

Index by Year of Graduation (and Major)

2022:  Kayla Spellenberg (Comp)

2021: Kevin Anand (MB), Alex Chernik (MB), Francesca Corrado (MB), Paul de Libero (MThtr-BoCo), Dustin Meadows (Prod-BOL), Jacob Stephens (MB), Jade Tierney (Perf-BoCo)

2020Kassidy Ford (MB), James Garry (Prof. Studies-Berklee Online), Brooke Gonzalez-Woods (MB-Berklee Online), Aaria Manchanda (Pro), Jesse Medawar (MB – Berklee Online), Jaeman Park (EPD), Peyton Propst (MB)

2019Mina Alali (MB), Yordani Awono (MB), Alyssa Golden (MB), Alba Rubio (Prof. Studies), Ananya Tanna (MB), Kalya Trutt (Dance-BoCo), Kristen Zagalles-Ceberos (MB), Medora Zani (MB)

2018Kiara Burns (Dance-BoCo), Rolla Campbell (EPD), Joanna Chen (Perf-BoCo), Li Yin Cheok (MTh), Sarah Furnari (Pro), Lisa Jeong (Film), Jordan Johnson (MB + MP&E), Kara L’Heureux (MB), Krystina Lyons (Perf), Omar Perez (MB), Georgeta Seserman (Pro), Avery Stump (MThtr-BoCo)

2017Ross Alexander (Film), Gustavo Beaujardin (Pro), Kristin Corpuz (MB + Pro), Emma Fairholm (MB), Lauren McNutt (Song),  Lucy Patterson (Film), Sam Smalley (EPD)

2016Jacy Anderson (Song + Pro), Alexander Bercow (EPD), Matt Byron (MB + Perf) Remy Felsch (Song), Chelcie Gette (MB), James Giannoni (Perf), Pamela Hrncir (Pro), William Kiendl (MB), John Lahr (MB), Julian Lenz (EPD), Amy Puffer (MP&E), Brad Rude (MB – Berklee Online), Mario Taddeo Jr.Scott Vojik (MB), Bradley Webb (MB), Ming Yu (MP&E), Zack Zebrowski (EPD)

2015:  Cam Bjork (EPD), Kevin Clark (JComp + Film) Skyler Clark (Pro), Theo Hartlett (Song), Jessica Prouty (MB), Cambria Russell-Herrera (f. Russell) (MB), Sarah Inoue Virk (MB)

2014:  Luis Augusto (MP&E), Joe Barnard (MP&E), Connor Baty, Kyle Billings (MB), Criss Burki (MB),  Rob Castellano (MB), Anthony Divastanzo (MThtr-BoCo), Mike Hernandez (EPD), Leah Hinton (MB), Bill Langdon (MP&E), Rio Longoria (MB), Ben Meyers (MB), Josh Nachbar (MB), Dylan Nelson (MP&E), Kevin Orlando (MP&E + MB), Johann Schuster (Perf – BoCo), India Thomson (MB), Tyler Wolowicz (Perf – BoCo) Beau Wright (EPD)

2013Jeffrey Arevalo (MB), Stanislas Barrault (MB), Jonas Bergmann-Bjornsson (Film), Valerie Blaemire (Film), Troy Church (MB), Daphne Clark (MTh), Caitlin Clifford (MB), Prayre Finley (MB), Devon Frampton (Perf + MB), Adam Kirschner (MB), Alexia Layne-Lomon (Pro.), Andrew Lee (EPD), Chelsea McKinney (MP&E), Ernie McMillan (Pro), Susana Monsalve -Jones (MP&E + Film), Nicole Olver (Pro), Dany Orozco (MTh), Max Pohl (MB), Jon Reicher (Pro), Chantale Sterling (Pro), Jared Winegrad (MB), Shawn Young-Eagle (MB)

2012Samantha Attaguile (Perf – BoCo), Scott Beardsworth (MB), Raleigh Bisbee (MThtr – BoCo), Mark Bruning (CWP), Stephanie Caballero (MThtr – BoCo), Chris Carlberg (MB), Caitlin Clifford (MB) Tara Comes (MB), Dawn-Marie Dunn (EPD + Pro.), Dayle Duran (Pro + CWP), Kelli Kay (MThtr – BoCo), Casey Kidd (CWP), Aly Laughlin (MThtr – BoCo), Henry Leitzinger (Pro.) Jonathan Lotson (Pro.), Morgan Mallory (MB) Jeremy Moccia (MB + Song), Kenny Rosenberg (EPD), William Wetzel (MP&E), Dr. Samuel Wood (MP&E)

2011:  Eric DeVaughn (Perf), Ryan Driscoll (MB), Ally Duncan (MThtr – BoCo), Thompson Egbo-Egbo (EPD),  AJ Farley (Pro), Sasha Foster (f. Taylor) (MB), Ricky Gonzalez (MB), Rodney Harrison (MB), Kayla Lee (MB), Kelly Martin (MThtr – BoCo), Gabriella  Mastrangelo (f. Howard) (MB), Angela Miller (Film + Comp) Henry Moyerman (MP&E + EPD), Wellington Netto (Song), ZJ Olivarez (Comp), Jack Reedy (MB), Elizabeth Ricci (MB), Tom Rockford (MB), Jonathan Schwarz (CWP)

2010:  Ama Atobrah (EPD), Michael Benson (MB), Dan Berges (Perf), John Branch (EPD), Matt Clear (MP&E), Jacob Cohen (Perf), Mike Day (Pro), Joe Granata (MB), Arielle Guitar (Perf), Michael Hazani (Song), Chris Hansen (Pro), Omid Majdi (MP&E), Shawn Mills (Perf), Kalya Moen (MThtr – BoCo), Lauren Nedelman (MThtr – BoCo), Darsell Obregon (Perf + Song), Luke Ramus (Film), Michael Ranieri (MB), Adam Rosenwach (Pro), Rose Seyfried (EPD), Andrew Silverio (Pro), Mike Skauge (MB), Will Stettler (Pro), Dan Thompson (MB), Brittany Vendryes (MB), Chris Wadsworth (MB), J.C. Zwisler (Pro)

2009:  Katie Amaral (EPD + MB), Anthony Barden (Film), Will Cady (Pro), Claudia Caliano-Rida (f. Caliano) (MB), Chris Carlson (Pro),  Toby Cattolico (Perf – BoCo) Sarah Demarco (MB), Jack Goodall (MB), Doug Guttenberg (MB), Marcel Hamel (Perf), Jeff Holden (Pro), Jordan Lenhoff (Pro), Jake Miller (Perf), Dan O’Connor (MThtr – BoCo), Brian Orlando (MB + Perf), Nick Potvin (Film), Mark Schafer (MB), Betsy Simpson (VOpr – BoCo), Jared Trace (JComp), Adam Williamson (MB)

2008:  Matt Boyle (Pro), Owen Davies (MP&E), Bob DeVaughn (MB), Anna Eliopoulos (MP&E + Perf), Parker Ferguson (MB), Chris Franzen (Song), Alexander Gavurin (MB), Conrad Hollomon (Film), Mary Jarchow (Pro), Loren Khulusi (MP&E), Will Larche (MThtr – Boco), Zach Miller (MB), Brandon Noke (Pro), Stephanie Olmanni (EPD + Film), Priya Prins (MP&E), Michelle Pugliese (Perf), Jesse Reese (MB), Charlie Shaughnessy (MB + Perf), Santiago Sinisterra (MP&E), Clay Southworth (MB), Tiffany Spearman (Dance – BoCo) Michael Wright (MB)

2007:  Patrick Brusil (MB), Andrea D’Agostino (MB + Song), Mark Dudek (Perf), Christmas Eger (MB), Ryan Heenan (MB), King Yan Kwok (MTh), Phil Lee (MB), Braydon Nelson (Pro), John Sauer (J. Comp), Debra Gail White (MB)

2006:  Tom Boates (MB), Scott Brown (MB), Jordan Cusner (MB), Eric Hutchinson (Pro). Ben Maitland-Lewis (MB), Dr. Jenny Martin (Song),  Glenn Romero (MB), J. Russell (MP&E),  Tyler Witkin (Pro), Andy Zhang (MB)

2005:  Adam Baliban (MB), Kyle Batter (Comp. + Film), Charlotte Moore (MB + MP&E)

1999:  Dr. Dana Robertson (Perf)

1991Rev. Robert Bloodworth (Pro)

Also see the following indices:

Berklee Music-Business-Majors Only

Berklee Non-MB Majors Only

BoCo Alumni Only

Special Categories  (second jobs, entrepreneurs, managers, information technology)

Index by Location

Everyone interviewed self-reported meeting the following criteria:

  1. Received their first Bachelors Degree from Berklee College of Music.
  2. On track to earn at least $45,000/year (or the equivalent in foreign currency).
  3. Income is mainly through a non-music job which they enjoy.  They expect to be working in their field for years to come.