Successful Berklee/BoCo Alumni #229: Jade Tierney (f. Alvarez-Lauto)

Jade Tierney
Listen to the interview or download it.

Graduated in 2021 with a major in Violin Performance.

Position: Associate Agent at the Harry Walker Agency, which arranges appearances by high-profile speakers at various events. The agent works one on one with the sponsors in order to work them through to a contract, including guiding them toward a realistic speaker for their price range then helps with the logistics of booking flights, etc. As an associate agent, Jade helps take as many tasks off her boss’s plate as possible.

Overview: Before going to college, Jade wrestled with whether to study music or communications. When the pandemic hit and everything closed down convined that communications would be a more secure career path. While still in her third year at BoCo, Jade applied and was accepted into the Masters in Corporate Communications program at NorthEastern University Thus, Jade did her final year at BoCo knowing she’s be on a different path after graduating.

During the summer of 2022, Jade worked at a music camp, and through that experience met someone who put her in touch with someone at the Harry Walker agency. After finishing her program in December, 2022, Jade applied to various executive assistant jobs, but would lose to internal candidates. Fortunately, someone in HR thought Jade would make a good associate agent, so she was given an interview and hired into her role.
You can see Jade’s LinkedIn profile here.
Choice Quotes: “I like being client facing. As my boss says, ‘People know what a pencil costs, but people don’t know what people cost.’ Being a musician prepared me to go in and speak with people. I enjoy it, you build years of relationships. Poeple come back to you, sometimes to expand. You see people at an event and you can say hi. And sometimes they send a new opportunity your way.”

“My experience at BoCo gave me people skills.. Yes you make friends, but it’s also a professional collaboration. It’s being able to talk about various interests and talk about our projects–the interactions get more creative.”

“The biggest hurdle in all this transition was realizing there’s nothing wrong with leaving (music). If you’re donig it and you’re not 110% into it, there’s always giong to be this doubt. As a kid I was always the big fish. It became part of my identity: I was always convinced that I had to do it. Then I left and it wasn’t a big deal. There’s nothing wrong wtih making the right choice for you.

“If you want to be an agent, treat it the same as music. It won’t happen right away. The corporate world is so huge. There were tens of thousand of people applying for 90 internship spots at WME. I’m still not sure how I got my job! But I told them that anything good comes with hard work and time. People at WME told me they could see my work ethic and realistic expectations.”
See the full index of successful Berklee/BoCo alumni.