Successful Berklee Alumni #238: Kassidy Ford

Kassidy Ford
Listen to the interview or download it. Note: Due to a technical glitch, the final 5 – 10 minutes of the interview were not recorded.

Graduated in 2020 with a major in Music Business. Principal instrument: voice.

Position: Underwriter Rates Integration Specialist at Qualia, a real estate technology company specializing in streamlining and standardizing real estate transactions, their main customers being title insurance companies. “This is kind of a unique position, where you can do accounting without a CPA. It has both accounting and customer success responsiblities. A lot of what we do is just be a specialist, assignment to a client to handle accounting-related questions. I’m doing a client’s month-end reporting and giving them general advice as to how to maintain their escrow accounts. It’s more like a consulting position.”

Overview: Kassidy entered Berklee as a Music Therapy major but switched to Music Business halfway through, as the degree felt more versatile. After graduating in the pandemic, she stayed at home in the Boston area and worked as a restaurant manager. By the fall of 2021 she was feeling a strong urge to move somewhere new and start a real career. She moved to Austin, Texas on her own, found roommates, and waited tables while networking and looking for better work. A friend who had worked at Qualia submitted her resume and she got a position, as well as a part-time position at SOFAR Sounds organizing living room concerts. A year later, Kassady had been promoted at Qualia, and while she was meeting lots of people at SOFAR, it was a lot of time for not much money and she had made her peace with not working in music, so she left that position.

You can see Kassidy’s LinkedIn profile here.
Choice Quotes: “My position is a really good way to start a career. It allowed me to get into something new without another degree. Real estate will always be a significant industry, so it’s a position I’m grateful to have. But I also enjoy it. The peole are great and helpful, our culture is amazing.”

The people of Berklee and experience going to an art school fosters self-development, because it’s so creative. It helped me shape my personality, which helps with everything.

“I still have a keyboard and guitar in my apartment and will mess around once every couple of weeks. I might be auditioning for a community theater musical soon. I want to always have a relationship with music.”

I normally have certain assigned clients, where I’l perform hundreds of daily reconciliations on their escrow accounts–going through it daily makes it so that any fraud is spotted quickly.”
See the full index of successful Berklee alumni.