Successful Berklee Alumni #213: Alyssa Golden

Alyssa Golden
Listen to the interview or download it.

Graduated in 2019 with a major in Music Business. Principal instrument: voice.

Position: Digital Content Coordinator (since promoted to Digital Marketing Manager) at Golden Technologies., a large family business that makes powered wheelchairs and other items to assist mobility for the physically disabled and well as reclining furniture. Alyssa creates digital advertising content, works with the marketing team to develop strategies to build brand awareness, and meets with retailers to discuss ways to help them grow their business.

Overview: Alyssa grew up aware of the family business, but she wasn’t interested and her parents didn’t pressure her. While at Berklee she discovered the Music Business program and really enjoyed it. Alyssa decided to go straight to graduate school to study business; she applied in got into a Masters in Communications program at Drexler University. In her first year she worked at a paid internship at Universal and did classes at night, then the pandemic hit and the internship was indefinitely paused. She moved back home and started to work at the family business as a marketing assistant — the business was considered essential so remained open.

Initially Alyssa planed to return to Universal, but she found she really enjoyed the business, and with her growing responsibilities at this job an internship somewhere else felt like a step backward in her career. She opted to stay with Golden Technologies. At the end of 2020 she received her Masters Degree, and six months later she was promoted to Digital Content Coordinator.
You can see Alyssa’s LinkedIn profile here.


Choice Quotes: “I’ve always been business-driven. I always liked marketing the best. I enjoy creating content, getting to know my audience–in part because I’m a performer. I love that I’m helping people–I see every day how our products truly help improve people’s quality of life. I’m one small part of that.”

“Every skill I learned at Berklee has been totally tranferable to my professional and personal career. Companies want to hire musicians! Before my job at Golden I interviewed and companies were so interested in my music caerer. They like creators.”

“Things have a funny way of working themselves out. I found something that was giving me purpose.”

“Keep learning. Marketing is CONSTANTLY changing! One week later there can be a new thing trending. Subscribe to marketing newsfeeds to stay on top of it. But at the same time your job isn’t your identity. Keep up with your passions, and if you’re meant to be at a different place, go with that feeling.”

“That first year after Berklee I was burned out on music and focused on school. Then Covid hit and I started to practice more. I never gigged much while at Berklee, though I sang a bit. Now I’m gigging more than ever and getting paid for it on top of my day job!”




See the full index of successful Berklee alumni.