Successful Berklee Alumni #215: Daphne Clark

Daphne Clark
Listen to the interview or download it.

Left Berklee in 2013 (officially finished in 2015) with a major in Music Therapy. Principal instrument: voice.

Position: Customer Success Team Lead at Wonolo, “The Uber of Temporary Staffing”. Wonolo’s platform vets workers and connnects them to places of employment who need temporary workers. Daphne is in touch with the businesses, making sure everything is going smoothly and resolving any issues. As a team lead, she also supervises and onboards other customer success employees.

Overview: For the first couple of years after leaving Berklee, Daphne was doing music therapy jobs but feeling unfulfilled. She then spent a year working at Trader Joes while figuring out what she wanted to do. She moved from her home in Florida to Nashville in 2017, hoping to start her own music therapy practice but took a job at Lyft doing customer success to pay the bills. After a brief interruption she ended up working for Lyft in operations; the music therapy business didn’t really take off, but she was content.

In early 2019, Daphne noticed that Wonolo was in the same shared office as Lyft and the people at Wonolo seemed really engaged and happy. She knocked on their door and introduced herself. The timing was good, as they were looking to hire their first customer success person! Taking that job made Daphne their most senior customer success person, which positioned her for a promotion to team lead as they grew. Shortly after this interview she was promoted to Customer Success Manager.

You can see Daphne’s LinkedIn profile here.

Choice Quotes: “I love just being a resourse to my team. I love building relationships wth my team, how I can quickly identify problems and come up with solutions. I love the company culture, and that it’s remote–I can travel and still work. It’s diverse and inclusive. I’m excited to come to work each day.”

“As a music therapist, leaning how to build relationships and rapport with pepole made me great at customer relations. We look for those soft skills in hiring new CSMs. Also, working with patients the goal is to assess and come up with a plan to meet those goals. We’d find pain points and figure out a treatment plan–in my role as a people manager again I’m responsible for making sure peopl eare donig their jobs, but also that they’re able to do those. I have one on ones, some of hwich is like a therapy session. Plus at the company I’ve been able to lead actual music therapy session for colleagues, lead a guided meditation session–it makes me strong at what I do.”

“Shut out the external noise and really see what you want to do and what will make you happy. Be in the moment and honest with yourself. If I’d been more honest I could’ve avoided a lot of ups and downs. You only have one life. Don’t get discouraged when you feel lost–everyone feels that way sometimes. Be OK with changing. We all change.”

“In my role I’m a people manager, subject expert, project manager, and onboard new employees.”





See the full index of successful Berklee alumni.